Home Updates

A few months ago, we announced that we were selling our house. It came out of the blue and was sort of a spur of the moment thing, brought on by casually scrolling through Zillow one night. I blogged about the renovations we’ve made to our house, and to be honest, that post has been […]

You’re doing what?!? “But I feel like you JUST moved into that place?!” or, “but what about all of that work and remodels?!” Questions like these have been pretty common lately since we announced to our close family and friends (and Facebook) that we are putting our house on the market. If we’re still here […]

I’m so excited to finally share my new desk/workspace! This has been a LONG time coming, and I love how it turned out! I have been known to be a little bit of a neat-freak and I despise clutter….but you’d never know that looking at my old desk! I had SO much stuff, piled onto […]

I am SO happy to say that this will probably be the last remodel post for a while!! We have officially crossed off the last room remodel on our list! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST 2 YEARS I CAN FINALLY DO LAUNDRY AT MY OWN HOUSE!!! So, if you’re up to date on our […]

GUYS. I can’t tell you how anxious and exited I’ve been to FINALLY be able to post this entry!!! If you follow me on any form of social media, you’ll see that we (Dustin) has been working hard on getting our new bathroom up and running, and…..IT IS FINALLY DONE!!! So when we bought the […]

At the beginning/middle of August, me and my hunny (who I have to give 95% of the credit to for making this all happen) decided to look into actually buying a home. Having lived together for over three years, paying bucket loads of money out for rent, we were over the moon to discover that […]